2 thoughts on “Lord Rama and the little squirrel

  1. Namaskaram. Thank u very much for Krishna Yatra blog. Taken five days to complete to read nava Dwarakatravel details along with the place discerption and temple details. Felt was in Dwarka. Reminded Great Sangitha pithy maha Sri purandara dasaru composed,song lyrics,Rama Nama payasakkey,Krishna Nama sakkarey, Vittala Nama Thuppava Kalasi, bayi chapparisiroo……..your travelogue Ayodhya,Nava Dwarkaa Pandaripuram Yatra.really very very interesting. It will be great helpful for us to follow your blogs like Rajus temple visit travel details. So nice to receive yours addition articles. Reading,Reading,Reading………… Thank u. Manjula Ashok.

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  2. Namaskaram Thank u very much for your recent Blogs.read Krishna Yatra. And felt very happy. Remembered Sangitha pithy Maha Sri purandara dasaru composed song lyrics,Ramanama payasa key Krishna Nama Sakkara, Purandara Nama Thuppava Kalasi Bayi chpparisiroo. U treated all those who read your Ayodhya, Dwaraka, Pandaripuram travel details.wishing still more travel details. Now ,saved along with Sent from my iPad


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